Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Another Breakfast for Lunch

The first breakfast for lunch was a hit with the kids, so I did it again, a little differently.

The girls are taking identical lunches Wednesday. Bayberry's getting more food, obviously, but the items are identical. We have green grapes, baked apple oatmeal (in muffin cups), boiled eggs, and silver dollar pancakes with maple syrup. They're taking lemonade to drink.


  1. how do you keep the eggs cold? and do your kids eat the pancakes cold? i have super picky eaters and i don't think they would eat cold pancakes :(

  2. Looks good! I think even my teenager would enjoy breakfast for lunch. I'm curious about the eggs, too. Do you include a cold pack in the lunch box?

  3. Yes, they have ice packs, and they've always enjoyed cold pancakes. :)

  4. You're always giving your kids such great alternatives to a sandwich! I think this one is my favorite so far. Thanks for yet another creative idea!

  5. Thank you, Kim. :) I try. I know that bringing a cold lunch every single day can get tiresome, so I'm trying to change things up. It helps to shift our perception of what ought to be served warm. Always try before sending to school, though. The kids weren't thrilled about trying rice at room temp, but once they tried it, they loved it.

  6. Would you share your baked apple oatmeal recipe? I have an abundance of oatmeal and DS#1 likes "mush" as he calls it - the instant apple cinnamon oatmeal. I think he'd really like that!
